What have you got for me today?

When Doctor Who regenerates he looks different physically, but he is the same "inside". That is how we see our journey into getting healthier and losing weight while dealing with my diabetes. Join us on our travels as we try to navigate the ups and downs of a healthy regeneration!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Greenway Walk

April 19, 2010

Our city has built a greenway for people to walk/jog/bike on, its really pretty and I've walked it several times in the last couple of years.

Part of our walking plan includes not walking the same place all the time so that we don't get bored, so tonite after dinner we headed to the greenway, which is 1.36 miles one way (and you have to go both ways if you want to get back to where you parked your car). It has a little offshoot track that is .22 miles around, but we didn't walk that part tonite, because just doing the trail would mean we were doing 2.72 miles and we are used to only 2 two. I even managed to jog a few feet on the way back

And BOY, did my legs let me know I was going farther than we usually did. Once we had gone the two miles, I could just hear my leg muscles saying "Yay, we are do....wait why are you still going...stopppppppp, you did your two miles, stop, stop, stop!"

I didn't listen to them, I kept going although the last little bit threw me up to about a 8.75 on the "perceived exertion" chart I use. They got back at me though, they got in cahoots with my back and made moving next to impossible after I got home.

Wonder what they are gonna do when we throw the loop in next time? ssshhh don't tell them I said that.

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